Train FCN Depth Prediction

This page shows how to train FCN Depth Prediction with your own dataset.

FCN Depth Prediction is a neural network model used for depth prediction with semantic segmentation.

Any size of image can be applied to this network as long as your GPU has enough memory.

Available Dataset Class

DepthPredictionDataset (imported from jsk_recognition_utils.datasets)

This class assumes the following directory structure.

|-- foo1
|   |-- train
|   |   |-- bar1
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   |-- bar2
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   `-- etc.
|   |-- test
|   |   |-- bar3
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   |-- bar4
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   `-- etc.
|   `-- etc.
|-- foo2
|   |-- train
|   |   |-- bar5
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   |-- bar6
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   `-- etc.
|   |-- test
|   |   |-- bar7
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   |-- bar8
|   |   |   |-- depth.npz
|   |   |   |-- depth_gt.npz
|   |   |   |-- image.png
|   |   |   |-- label.png
|   |   |   `-- etc.
|   |   `-- etc.
|   `-- etc.
`-- etc.


  • --dataset_dir (string, default: $(rospack find jsk_perception)/learning_datasets/human_size_mirror_dataset)

    Directory name which contains dataset for training and validation.

  • --model (string, default: FCN8sDepthPredictionConcatFirst)

    Model name. Currently, FCN8sDepthPredictionConcatFirst is supported.

  • --gpu (int, default: 0)

    GPU id. -1 means CPU mode, but we recommend to use GPU for much faster computing.

  • --batch_size (int, default: 1)

    Number of images used simultaneously in each iteration.

    You should decrease this number when you face memory allocation error.

  • --epoch (int, default: 100)

    Stop trigger for training.

  • --out (string, default: ${ROS_HOME}/learning_logs/<timestamp>)

    Output directory name.


All these files will be automatically generated under <out_dir>.

  • batch_size.txt

  • dataset.txt

  • log.json

  • loss_plot.png

  • model.txt

  • model_snapshot.npz



rosrun jsk_perception [ARGS]