

What Is This

This node segment point cloud by using pcl::RegionGrowing.

Subscribing Topic

  • ~input (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)

    Point cloud to be segmented.

    It should have xyz and normal field and should not have NaN points.

Publishing Topic

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices)

    Result of clustering.


  • ~number_of_neighbors (Int, default: 10)

    Number of the neighbors used in KdTree search.

  • ~min_size (Int, default: 20)

    Minimum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid.

  • ~max_size (Int, default: 25000)

    Maximum number of points that a cluster needs to contain in order to be considered valid.

  • ~smoothness_threshold (Float, default: pi / 2)

    Threshold value for the angle between normals in radians.

  • ~curvature_threshold (Float, default: 0.1)

    Threshold value for curvature testing.


roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros sample_region_growing_segmentation.launch