

What Is This

Segment pointcloud based euclidean metrics, which is based on pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction. This nodelet has topic interface and service interface.

The result of clustering is published as jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices.

If the number of the cluster is not changed across different frames, EuclideanClustering tries to track the segment.

Subscribing Topics

  • ~input (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2):

    input pointcloud. If ~multi is false, this input is only enough.

  • ~input/cluster_indices (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices):

    input indices. If ~multi is true, synchronized ~input and ~input/cluster_indices are used.

Publishing Topics

  • ~output (jsk_recognition_msgs/ClusterPointIndices):

    Result of clustering.

  • ~cluster_num (jsk_recognition_msgs/Int32Stamped):

    The number of clusters.

Advertising Services

  • ~euclidean_clustering (jsk_pcl_ros/EuclideanSegment):

    Service interface to segment clusters.

sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 input
float32 tolerance
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2[] output


  • ~tolerance (Double, default: 0.02):

    Max distance for the points to be regarded as same cluster.

  • ~label_tracking_tolerance (Double, default: 0.2)

    Max distance to track the cluster between different frames.

  • ~max_size (Integer, default: 25000)

    The maximum number of the points of one cluster.

  • ~min_size (Integer, default: 20)

    The minimum number of the points of one cluster.

  • ~multi (Boolean, default: false)

    Flag of applying euclidean clustering for each pointcloud’s indices(~input/cluster_indices’s cluster_indices).

    If ~multi is true, synchronized ~input and ~input/cluster_indices are used.

  • ~approximate_sync (Boolean, default: False):

    Policy of synchronization, if false it synchronizes exactly, else approximately. This value is only valid in case of ~multi is true.

  • ~queue_size (Int, default: 20):

    Queue size of topic msgs for synchronization.

  • ~downsample_enable (Boolean, default: false)

    Flag of VoxelGrid downsampling. If ~downsample_enable is true, ~input is downsampled.

  • ~leaf_size (Double, default: 0.01)

    Leaf size of voxel grid downsampling. This value is only valid in case of ~downsample_enable is true.

  • ~cluster_filter (Int, default: 0)

    Specify cluster filtering methods.

    0: Passthrough the all clustering result for each cluster.

    1: Take a cluster which has the maximum size of those for each cluster. The length of ~output’s cluster_indices, ~cluster_num, is length of ~input/cluster_indices’s cluster_indices.


Plug the depth sensor which can be launched by openni.launch and run the below command.

roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros euclidean_segmentation.launch